Boring Sunday

It's Sunday...... Slow and boring Sunday. Ain't going out, Andrew wanted to watch his more-precious-than-his-wife F1 race on TV. Whenever there is F1, I feel like I am the outcast. Argh! Mind you, he wouldn't even take note of what you say, what you do or where you are. Everything will have to make way for his F1 during this period. Sometimes it makes me feel so miserable that F1 has more weight than me in his heart.

Had a barbecue dinner with his colleagues last night, in Kajang. It's been a long, long time I have not gone to any barbecue gathering. I must say I am still pretty good at it. LOL! Those chickens that I attended to, none got burnt! Hahaha. So jealous to see his colleague has a big tank of gold fishes!!! I love gold fish so much! Few years ago tried to keep some of them, every time they would just die, didn't even last for a month. I pity those fishes and told Andrew that I would not keep them anymore. I felt like I was the murderer. :(

Although we did go out yesterday, thought of going for some shopping spree this morning, but Andrew said "gotta be back by 1.30pm for my F1". DUH! That totally killed my mood! So, me sitting here playing Facebook games, surfing the net, reading blogs and now blogging on how boring my Sunday is. Ish, ish......

Still got some books to catch. Oopsie, my Dan Brown!!! I am still on page 14! LOL. All right, bury myself in The Lost Symbol then. Now, my time to ignore Andrew. Kakakaka......

Oh, one good thing to pick up my mood, am going for seafood treat with Andrew's aunt tonight!!! Yes! Crabbies... Here I come!

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Taiwan Post Is Up

Yes, my first post on my Taiwan trip is finally up. :)

Don't be too happy, it's only 1 post without any photos. LOL! Please give me time to draft them up and upload the photos. Sorry.

You can find the my Taiwan trip on the right sidebar, under Page Taiwan Go Go Go. There is currently a sub-page of my first day in Taipei.

I guessed separate my Taiwan trip out from the blog posts would be easier for you people to look for it.

Please let me know if you find any misleading information in my Taiwan posts. All feedbacks are welcome. :)

Stay tuned for more.

Green Zone

Watched this with Andrew, his favorite kind of movie, a must-watch to him. Hahaha. I had no idea what the movie was all about. All I know was Matt Damon is the leading actor. LOL. The moment I sat in the cinema and the movie started, ahh...... A war-time movie.

Did the American government lie? Are there really Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) in Iraq? Have they found it? Are the lives that we lost in the Iraq war all in vain? The war is about nothing but the precious resources in Iraq? We do not know. We will never know the answers.

I wonder what the Americans would think after watching the movie. Anti-America?

Putting all the questions and controversies aside, it was a good movie. Great plot! Nice story.

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The Underland. The Wonderland.

Before everything else, an official big "Hello again" to my precious Fish Avenue. Things are bad at work, I was pretty sad for the past 3 weeks or so. All my brain cells have been channeled to problem-solving, not much left literature purposes. LOL! Luckily managed to watch a movie or two.

First time watching movie with colleagues, a Movie Treat the company's Sports Club (aka myself) organised for all of us. But only 7 of us went.

The last time I watched Alice in Wonderland, the cartoon version, I think I was probably 10-ish. Now to see Alice in Wonderland in real person version, I couldn't help but feel excited. The only uncomfortable thing was that I was going to watch it without Andrew.

The story was about the grown-up Alice was back in Wonderland to rescue it from the Red Queen. There was a lot of conversations and sometimes they talked in funny phrases or words, you have to really pay attention to understand them well. There was some action scenes too, which made it not so boring. But please don't expect it to be an action-packed movie, it is not. I've heard people saying that the movie was so-so because not much of actions in it. Come one, it's a fantasy movie, Alice in Wonderland! The name says it all. I wonder if they've watched/read Alice in Wonderland before! LOL! Johnny Depp is still as awesome as ever.

If you love magic, fantasy and all sorts of weirdness, you MUST watch it. Make sure you bring your curiosity along, you need a lot of curiosity to believe what you see in the movie. Alice in Wonderland is not for those who seek for actions.

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大姐在我的“面子书”上留了言,还蛮引人省思的。她写:“即没有勇气,就要面对..... 想想有什么比等杀头更可怕的, 你就觉得没啥好怕的了!!! 在社会工作的谁不想逃避?我们变成了机器,没有能力生产“勇气”,只有一肚子的“怨气”......”




From Paris With Love

Yeah, so much of love, in Paris. Hahaha. Just one glance at the title, I dare bet almost everybody would think that it is a romance movie, including myself. :) Again, Andrew was the one who wanted to watch it. I was okay to go along since there's John Travolta in it. :D There is another young man, good-looking chap, Jonathan Rhys Meyers. Hmm...... Looks familiar. Ahhh...... Hugo Boss Element commercial ad, does it ring a bell now? ;)

What a unique movie. Seeing John Travolta punching and killing people, that was awesome! But he looks young in the movie, I couldn't help but wondering if he has had something done to his wrinkle-free face. Well, you can't blame him. Of course he has to look at his best acting alongside such a young charming actor like Rhys Meyers. And Rhys Meyers, despite his handsome face, he could definitely act well.

There was not a boring moment in the movie, at least that's how I felt. The only bad thing is, everything moves too fast. It's like someone is trying to tell you a story with all the actions and moves until you don't get the chance to breathe and think about it. Also, John Travolta is trying too hard to impress the audiences (now Ethan Hunt of MI3 would look stupid in front of Charlie Wax). It was Rhys Meyers' character that pulls everything back to the reality.

From Paris With Love isn't the hottest movie. In fact I didn't hear anyone talking about it nor read it before the movie is in the cinema. If you like action-hero movies jam-packed with all the actions you could ever expect in a movie, you'll definitely love this movie just like Andrew does. Especially if you're a fan of "Swordfish". LOL!

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Going On 30

Yes, I am now announcing to the whole world that I am going to be 30, SOON! LOL!

I just can't believe that I am at my late twenties and there will be no turning back of time. The big-3 is a stranger to me. I do not feel that I am going to be 30. What am I supposed to feel then? Happy that I finally get to the door of 30's? Sad that I get a year older?

Never for once I tried to lie about my age. No, I'm not saying that I am so generous that I could take on all the questions that people throw at me. I do get irritated too at times. The most recent and frequent I get is, "well, Ashley, you're not young anymore, when are you going to have a baby? You know, your body isn't as good as before." Come on, I do not need another human being to remind me of my age. They just don't seem to understand. Perhaps for them it is rude not to give that little "sweet reminder".

Another milestone in my life. What shall I do then? Take a day off? Hmm...... But Andrew would be working. Oh, maybe I could have some ME time. Spa, massage, manicure, pedicure, hair-do...... Go for a pamper of the decade!!! Wuahahahahahaha...... That is going to have a dragon spitting fire on my pocket! Argh! It's frustrated though to foresee a boring 30th birthday. LOL!

I am feeling a teeny bit of happy, going on 30. Wow! 30! That is something. Or that is nothing? Hahaha. I'm not sure. I can't explain. Something good is going to happen, that kind of feeling. Let's hope that I am right. *Fingers crossed, smiles widely.*

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