Flash An Apple

I didn't know the fact that Adobe Flash is not working on iPhones until I have one of my own. For the past one year, I have been telling people who have asked me "how is your iPhone", that "it is good but it doesn't support Flash". It isn't a major issue to me as I have thousands of games I could download from the Apple App Store that do not require Flash. They are amazingly fun. But still, I couldn't play the Flash games in Facebook. Yes, I play Facebook games.

Today, a friend shared an interesting and informative article written by Steve Jobs (just in case you do not know, Steve Jobs is the co-founder and CEO of Apple), it gave me a whole new insight on Flash. I have to admit unashamedly that I was wrong to assume "Apple doesn't support Flash".

Thoughts on Flash ~ Steve Jobs, April 2010

If you're wondering why Flash isn't on iPhone, iPod and iPad, like me, you should read it. Don't even bother to click the link if you're not into all these, because it is a pretty long article. LOL!

Without Flash on my iPhone, I could still play games, surf net, watch videos on YouTube, make payment, book a movie ticket...... Well, almost everything, without Flash. Now, now, why on earth was I so grumpy about "Apple doesn't support Flash" in the first place? It isn't a big deal after all!

Hmm...... This is bad. Bad, bad, bad. No, no...... Ashley, put that thought away! "You aren't seriously thinking about GETTING that iPad, are you?!" Erm, why not? Since now I don't see Flash as important as I did, iPad without Flash is just as interesting as iPhone, probably more. :D Let's wait for the iPad in Malaysia then. Hyak hyak hyak...... *Grins evilly*

P. S.: It totally blown my mind away when I know the facts that Adobe Flash is so slow in adapting to the world changes and yet everyone (almost) is thinking it is Apple's fault not to have Flash in its products. We, sometimes look at the surface of things and do not bother what's underneath or behind them. Everything has 2 faces/sides. Undeniably and unfortunately, I am just as ignorant as everybody else. What a tight slap on my face. BAH!

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Detoxification and Organic

I've been taking Melilea Greenfield Organic powder as my meals replacement. I've stopped consuming it for quite some time, but last week I started it again as I feel that my body is getting "dirtier" and it seriously needs some detoxification. Surprisingly, I've lost some weight. Not in terms of inches, but in kilos. Couldn't help but shared my happy moment in my Facebook, and now I have a few friends asking me how Melilea works.

I've heard before, but was quite skeptical about it. I thought it was another MLM gimmick. Saw it grew bigger and bigger, I again thought it was going to be another MLM which wasn't going to last long. Hahaha. Then, more than a year ago, Andrew's then-colleague-now-friend recommended this Melilea Greenfield Organic. It is some greenish powder that's produced from fermented organic vegetables, fruits and all sorts of botanicals. He told Andrew it works wonder to detox. Andrew tried it first, he kind of forced me to try it too. Gosh, it tastes so yucky! It is so slimy. *Blek* But hey, I am used to it already. I can now gulp it down without feeling nauseous or disgusting.

Back then I wasn't taking it to replace my meal, I took it at night. First sign, I kept passing gas!!! LOL! Normally at night, don't worry, not in the public. Hahaha. Then I had smooth stools. Then I felt healthier. Guess our body accumulates too much toxins from unhealthy food. To detox once in a while is actually a good thing.

Now I skip my lunch, take Melilea instead. First, to detox. Secondly, to keep fit. Hahaha. I've put on so much weight and I can't seem to refrain myself from those yummy temptations! All I can do is, eat less.

I don't encourage people to skip their proper meal. I skip lunch, but do you know that I have heavy breakfast which can usually last me till 2pm? At 2pm only I take Melilea which mixes with soya powder. That would keep me going for another 2 hours. When I feel hungry, I'll munch on something. Of course I'll suggest you to munch something healthy such as fruits or salad. Hahaha. Since Andrew is now working normal hours, I can have my dinner at 7pm or 8pm consistently everyday. So, to me, skipping lunch is fine.

If you really want to go on diet, please have proper diet too. Not eating at all is not the best diet to lose weight. Eat low carbohydrate food, more protein; less oily food, more greens; avoid snacks, take fruits.

All I want to say is, I take Melilea for detox, not for losing weight. My weight loss could also be due to the amount of food I take now is lesser. If you seriously want to try Melilea for total weight loss, I suggest you ask the expert or the agent. If you are considering Melilea for detox, I'd say by all means, go ahead. :) It's good for your body and health.

Do remember, to always start your day with a hearty and healthy breakfast! You can't function well without breakfast. Skipping breakfast doesn't help in losing weight, at all. So, breakfast please. :)

P. S.: I am not a Melilea agent, but Andrew is a member. He is not selling, purely for the purpose of individual consumption. If you want a reliable contact, it would be Andrew's friend. Hahaha. I too, am under no obligations/influences to promote Melilea. I am merely sharing my life. :) And I don't want to give people the false impression of me skipping meals to lose weight. I am not. I am a food lover, I love to eat. I eat lesser, but I am definitely eating. :D Too slim, isn't necessary a good thing. Obesity is not healthy too. If you're meaty but in a healthy way, why not? Love your body, love yourself. Eat healthy, stay happy. :)

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超吉美味肉骨茶。巴生 Klang


超吉(Chow Kiat)肉骨茶特别的是肉骨茶来的都是一个人份的,一人一碗,不是我们常在吉隆坡见到的一个大瓦煲。我觉得奇怪的是,Andrew的朋友明明是叫“掺”,可是吃着吃着,才发现怎么都只有肉。Andrew那碗还好,还有排骨。我的就全都是肉。肉虽然都煮得很软很香,可是吃多了不免觉得有点腻。汤头也很浓稠。不油腻,只是比较浓罢了。其实还满好吃的。:) 还有一点,怎么都没有菜啊?也没有豆腐干。难怪觉得少了点什么。一顿肉吃下去,还真的是有点腻哎。


给你一个小提示,如果你怕到时像我那样来的一碗都只是肉,不妨每个人都叫不同的。一碗猪肠猪肚,一碗排骨,一碗肉。那不就什么都有了咯。 :) 学聪明了,下次我们懂怎么叫了。哈哈哈哈。

至于地址呢,我也不晓得对不对。18, Jalan Kapar, 41400 Klang, Selangor. 它就在那间有名的Boston的对面。

Taiwan Post Is Up #2

Posted 2 blog posts about my trip to Taiwan in January. They are Day 2 and Day 3.

Ermm...... Sorry to say that I still haven't uploaded any photos. I'm so sorry. I'm still thinking of the best way to present those photos. If I were to upload them in the post, it would be so many of them and you'll get tired of scrolling. If I were to select only a few, that will take some time too. Please, please, need your patience and forgiveness here.

Stay tuned. Most posts coming up. Perhaps with photos. :)

Bak Kut Teh Update #5

Another update in my Bak Kut Teh Frenzy page. :D This time went to Klang.

超吉美味肉骨茶,巴生 Klang
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Test 4 5 6

u see me.... i see uu......
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The Day The Earth Falls

Or I shall say, the day the human race falls...... Soon?

Looking at the rate of occurrence of natural disasters lately, do they worry you? First, Haiti. Then Chile, Mexico, China...... And today, Western Australia. It is only middle of April in year 2010.

Something is going on inside our Mother Earth. No one has come forth to tell the world what is happening, not even the scientists. But one thing I do know, that the earth is very sick now. We can only blame ourselves for not taking the responsibilities to take good care of our only HOME.

Sigh...... What's the point to rant here seeing that it's not going to make any difference. For sitting here, typing on the keyboard that is plugged in to the computer, which consumes energy that is drawn from the earth, and emitting heat that adds to the global warming... I too, am doing damage to the earth.

People, it is time we do our part to revert the situation, before it is all too late.

Have you watched HOME? A documentary by Yann Arthus-Bertrand. Please spare some time to watch it. It is only 1 and a half hours long. You will then realize how selfish and ignorant we have been.

Click here to watch it on YouTube. HomeProject doesn't allow embedding.





当我开始渐渐的习惯一个人吃饭时,Andrew却不必作轮班了。现在我餐餐都有人陪。还有一件事我是不会一个人做的,也不会想要习惯的,那就是看电影。曾经试过一次,一个人到戏院去买票看The Fifth Element。感觉好无聊,好傻。在家一个人看戏还好,在戏院里一个人说什么我都不会再尝试了。宁可不看。







甚麼都可以無所謂 沒有任何束縛


Shutter Island

Leonardo DiCaprio did it again, in Shutter Island. And it's another Martin Scorsese's film DiCaprio starred in.

I missed his Body of Lies in the cinema, I told Andrew I wasn't going to miss this Shutter Island again this time. Hahaha. I like DiCaprio, not because of his good looks, but more of the way he works his charms in a movie. Have briefly mentioned about him in my earlier post.

He looks even more matured in Shutter Island. Fatter too, but that doesn't make him less charming.

The movie, I'm impressed. The plot, the characters, the line of the story, the twists...... They're all woven together so perfectly. There are times where lengthy conversations may make you fall asleep, but you won't. You would have all your nerves in alert condition to pay attention to every details in the movie. Yes, that is pure Scorsese's magic. The same way he had you in The Aviator and the Gangs of New York.

The end of the movie wasn't unexpected, but it was nicely and carefully crafted  to only reveal the entire truth at the end. The mystery was hanging in the air right up to the very end of the movie. Sadness, dark humors, tragic, anger, mystery, suspense...... You could feel just all of them in the movie. Nope, I'm not exaggerating. You'll know what I mean after you watch it.

Do not expect too much of actions in this movie. If you weren't into thriller and suspense, you will not enjoy Shutter Island. It is long too, almost 2 and a half hours long. You will have to need to prepare yourself to really engage in the plot. If you ever felt one tiny bit of boredom in the middle of the movie, well, you can forget about watching it till the end. :)

Enjoy your movie. Or I would say, enjoy Leonardo DiCaprio. :D

P. S.: Andrew and I found one funny point in the movie. The whole institution played along with one person for such a long time. Salute their efforts, man! If that was real. LOL!!!

强记肉骨茶 Pandan Indah

上个星期, Andrew的阿姨请客。其实是婆婆汇钱给阿姨,要她请在吉隆坡的大家吃一顿。两个星期前吃了海鲜大餐,阿姨看还有钱剩下,所以又请一顿肉骨茶。







地址:2, Jalan Pandan Indah 4/10, Pandan Indah, 55100 Kuala Lumpur.

Bak Kut Teh Update #4

New update in my Bak Kut Teh Frenzy (肉骨茶迷) page.

强记肉骨茶餐室 Pandan Indah
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Random #4

Reading all my old blog posts...... Few times I was surprised with my creativity and choice of words, but many times I was laughing at my own self for writing nonsense. :) I do not know how all the readers out there feel. Guess I owe all of you a "thank you" for your patience.

I still miss Michael Jackson, still love listening to his songs. He's gone for almost a year. By now most of the people would start to put it into their deepest memory and won't be remembering it unless someone mentions it. But I can't seem to recognize the truth that he is gone. It is like he is still out there some where, singing...... I guess that's what happened to legendary artist, like Elvis Presley. They live on eventhough physically they're not.

My BFF is leaving KL soon, very soon. I'm happy for her that she has finally gotten the opportunity that she has been looking for. I don't feel sad that I won't be seeing her as often as before, but I feel lonely all of the sudden. I don't have many hometown friends who come to KL to work, most of them are in Johor. And now my BFF is leaving too. I have lots of other friends too in KL, but to think that I am "all alone from BP in KL", that leaves me feeling uncomfortable and slightly miserable. Anyway, life goes on. I am a very independent person, all I need is time.

I have been so crazy-busy at work, why? Beats me! There is always something and someone that I have to attend to urgently. Those tasks that are not urgent but important have been sitting at the corner blinking their innocent eyes at me, asking "when are you going to look at us again". I feel so guilty to not doing any HR planning at all. With the limited time, how much can I, 1 person do?

It is middle of April now. Sigh...... Time flies so fast that it doesn't allow me a single moment to sit and plan well. I know what I should do but I am not doing it. The laziness, the fear, the time, the persons...... Argh, I am so frustrated with myself.

It is late now, 12.21am and I have yet to have my shower. FB-ing a while, reading my blog, backing up my photos, uploaded some...... Geez, I still have the Taiwan posts yet to update.

Can I have 26 hours a day, please?

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A Year With YOU

Still remember last year when I first saw you, I thought you were something that I could only salivate for from far. First time I held you, the feeling was overwhelming. I would never want to caress or hold others anymore. I recalled I kept turning back to look at you when I was leaving. From that very day onwards, all I could talk and dream about was you. Even Andrew could feel my feelings for you. Yes, it was that strong.

Andrew couldn't bear with the sight of me missing you terribly and miserably, he offered to take you in so that you and I could be together! Aw, that was so sweet of him. I was in cloud nine meeting you again. Gosh, finally, YOU ARE MINE!!! To hold you once more and knowing that we would not part anymore, that was one of the many sweetest moments in my life.

There are times you would give me troubles and problems, but I could live with that. Off late you have been acting kind of slow, I am fine with that too. I am still happy to be with you. The fact that I do not look for others like you, that shows that you have been a great companion to me. I wish for no replacement and I do not want to think of how life would be without you.

I feel guilty though, that I am secretly hoping to see another newer, trendier and faster YOU. How unfaithful I am. But... But......

Okay! Enough of killing my brain cells over that little iPhone of mine! LOL!!! Sorry that you have to read through all those craps only to know that I am talking about my phone. :D I am feeling so bored with work. So, came in here to get a little creative. Hahaha.

Time can really travel so fast...... I felt like it was only yesterday when I first gotten it. Never had I imagined I would be an iPhone user, but look, it's been a year!

I have written a few reviews on my iPhone too. All in all, I am still loving it. If you don't compare it with the 3GS, you wouldn't feel annoyed. Recently my iPhone 3G is kind of slow in responding and loading. Too many applications I guess. But that shouldn't slow it down since iPhone is made to fit in all those applications.

Am now eyeing for iPhone 4G, been waiting for it to show its face. Apple has really got its way to hide things from the public!

Eventhough iPhone has its limitations, I am still one satisfied iPhone user and owner. I do not keep abreast with the handphone trends now, 'cause I know there won't be any other handphone I'll be interested in. It is always going to be Apple iPhone for me now. Call me vain or plain showing off, there are people out there who would tell you the same thing about their handphones too. :) So, I am not alone.

Now revealing what I have in my iPhone 3G. Total of 8 pages, not a lot I think. But gotta slim it down, it's been a while since I last organized them.


I like mythology, especially Greek mythology. I have read many of them, books, magazines, articles...... When the movie Clash of the Titans was in the cinema, it was a must-watch to me. It is actually a remake of the 1981 version, of the same title. Gotta watch the old one too when I have the chance.

Watched the movie on my birthday. No celebration, only movie.

The movie was great, but I was disappointed with the story. The movie doesn't follow the Greek myth about Perseus, except for one thing that Perseus did kill Medusa. There was also this character Io, a total new creation, the love of Perseus in the movie. That was far too different from the myth! Anyway, it's a movie, they have every right to write it differently. So, yeah, I enjoyed the movie still. Enjoyed watching Sam Worthington waving his sword. :D *Drools*

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