Miyazaki Hayao 宫崎俊

This name came to my mind out of nowhere. I've watched many of his animated films. Few years ago I even bought a collections box with 6 animated movies in it.

Last year, bought a DVD of his new movie, Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea (悬崖上的金鱼公主). I didn't know the movie was from Miyazaki Hayao until I bought it home. I was more interested in the Ponyo on the DVD cover, it was so cute!

Here is the official trailer in English.

Cirque Du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant

Saw the trailer of the movie last month, kept bugging Andrew that I wanted to watch it when it was on the big screen. LOL! I have a thing for vampires, curses and demons (it's purely for entertainment, I'm not practicing any demonic act or research on becoming a vampire :P ). But surprisingly the Twilight series don't seem to make its way to my heart. I did not watch any of the Twilight movies, not even read the books.

This movie caught my eyes because there was this Cirque Du Freak that I have read so often in books and magazines. The bearded lady, wolf-man, Siamese twins, dwarfs, the giant, snake-man...... They're all freakingly freaky. I don't think I have the guts to go see it if the circus was real.

The movie was about Darren Shan, who stole the spider Madam Octa from the vampire Crepsley, and then got himself turned into a vampire just to save his best friend Steve's life. A 200 year-old truce between 2 clans of vampires were broken because of one boy.

John Reilly looks familiar to me, perhaps I've seen him in some movies but I can't recall which ones. He isn't the handsome man type, but he did look good in this vampire character! Middle-aged but charming. The leading actor who played Darren Shan is even more stranger to me. The only person that I could recognise from the movie was Josh Hutcherson, who played Steve. If you've watched Zathura, Bridge to Therabithia and the recent Journey to the Center of the Earth, you could recognise him right away. I just couldn't believe that he has grown so much.

I enjoyed the movie, but I don't think Andrew had a good time. Could see his boring face throughout the movie and his face didn't even twitch while I was laughing so hard. Hahahaha......

It's a funny and interesting movie. Worth to watch.

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Sherlock Holmes

The last movie I watched in year 2009, was Avatar (2D). Then I watched Avatar 3D on the first day of 2010 with Andrew. Not much different between the 2D and 3D, sometimes the 3D looked blur and both Andrew and I felt a little bit of dizziness watching the 3D. The movie was absolutely awesome!

Before the Avatar 3D, Sherlock Holmes was my first movie of the year. Got the early bird tickets at RM9 each. Watched it on the 1st of January morning, the very first movie.

I've not read any of Sherlock Holmes books, nor am I a fan of Sherlock Holmes. But I am a fan of Robert Downey Jr. and a small-time fan of Jude Law. :) Downey is charming in his own way, while Jude Law is charming in every way. But I was shocked to see Jude Law appeared to be older than his age in the movie, sometimes even looked older than Downey. That certainly did not do him any justice.

Guess I expected too much of the film and I was disappointed. The movie was good, but the story seems to be a little boring. Before Sherlock Holmes could finally explain all the seem-to-be supernatural incidents, I was already guessing that all of them were some man-made plots. Did I read/watch too much of those detectives books/movies that I could now analyse things in a different way? Hahaha. I have no idea.

Love the sense of humor of Sherlock Holmes, and his weird behavior and also the way he lived not by the common rules. We were all taught to abide by the rules and sometimes we miss out a lot of fun from not following the rules. Don't get me wrong, I'm not asking you to break the rules. Just once in a blue moon, we have to break ourselves away from this common world, from what everybody seems to be doing the common things. Not thinking the same as everyone else does, think out of the box, walk the path that least traveled by others...... Not many of us could do that, and when someone could, we always see them as a freak or weirdo. Imagine if everybody were to think like Sherlock Holmes, his rules then would become the common rules, what seems to be common now would be the weird. That would be cool, huh? :D

I wonder if there would be any sequel to this movie.

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On 30th December 2009, tt was so kind of Yee to tell me that Zara is on SALE! Thought I could check it out and see if I could get some work pants and shirts. Didn't see anything that's worth the money, they're still expensive even after the discount. It's just another sales gimmick they have to attract more customers.

Since I couldn't find any working clothes, went on the check out if there is any cheap winter jacket that I could possible grab. I kept oh-my-god-ing on the jackets' prices and Andrew kept giggling. When I was about to give up, I guess I said too much of "oh-my-god" and God heard me, I saw this jacket and the price was OK! Even Andrew said OK. Too bad that there were some imperfections on the brown color that I like, I had to take the white. Now I have to be careful wearing it.

It's only RM99.90. To my surprise, there were some of them priced at RM139! Same jacket, same color, same everything, but RM40 different! I wonder why.

I was so happy that I finally got a jacket with a decent price. Then Andrew saw this 4-letter word (SALE! I know what you're thinking! :P ) on Topshop's display window and decided to go in to have a look. That was then I spotted this green cotton jacket. :D It fits him nicely! RM63 after discount. I wanted to get the smallest size for myself, too bad that the green didn't have XXS anymore. I took the purple. :) Guess what, I got a RM25 voucher and it was RM37 for mine! So sweet of Andrew that he said he would buy that for me. Okay, my belated Christmas present from him then. :D

Last week went to Karaoke with Phoebe and Wan Yi, each of them bought that Zara jacket too! Hahahaha! :P

Kinokuniya was having this special 30% discount on selected books with purchase of another item of any value. How could I miss that! Went with Phoebe, I got myself another Jimmy Liao's book. It is his new book, One More Day With You (走向春天的下午). Then this book caught my attention. The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. There is already a movie based on this novel. I didn't bother to watch it as I thought it would be boring. I don't mind reading the novel though.

My first 2 books of the year 2010. :)

How nice to start the new year in such a splurge. Well, not really a splurge. LOL! Hope I could more intellectual this year, finish all the books that are lying there in the corner for a long time.

The Only Time...

...to look back, at 2009. Last year this time, I wrote "Hello my great 2009! I know you’ll be better!" I am delighted and the smile crept up to my face when I know I had a great 2009. I guess the Almighty once again proved to me that I can do it if I think I can. Not all my plans and goals for 2009 fulfilled, but I could held my head up high and tell the world that I have done 90% of what I planned. That was great, wasn't it?

I said that 2008 was the year I traveled the most, I must say that it was only the beginning, to prepare myself for what 2009 could bring. 2008 I traveled more between Kuala Terengganu and Johor. In year 2009, I traveled more places.

Here they are again, my many first's in year 2009:

  1. Spent my Chinese New Year first time in KT.

  2. Went to Seremban for the first time.

  3. My first iPhone 3G.

  4. Covered a wedding shoot on my own.

  5. Had the first outdoor portraits with Vivian Tan aka MiuMiu.

  6. My first Disney On Ice: Princess Wishes.

  7. My first wedding buffet reception photoshoot was given to Angie on her big day.

  8. First trip to Redang island with Phoebe and Wan Yi.

  9. So honoured to photograph Christine's pretty doggie, Fan Shih, for the first time.

  10. Selene aka Shin Yee was so kind to be my model for my first pregnancy shoot.

  11. Purchased my own web domain name for the first time.

  12. The most unforgettable experience, F1 Grand Prix!

  13. Fulfilled my childhood dream finally, Moto GP!

  14. Taken Firefly airline to KT, feared it the most and finally experienced my first!

  15. Phuket, the first time I set foot on Thailand and Phi Phi island.

There are still many of them, like first time I attended wedding dinner in Ipoh (Nicole's) and Seremban (Melissa's), first time I organised a company trip, first time been to KL Tower for a wedding reception, went to Singapore with Wan Yi and bunked at her house, felt the earthquake tremors for the very first time...... So many of them! I now realised 2009 has been a busy year for me. Busy having fun and living life to the fullest!

Kind of ended the year with a good note, Penang trip was fun. Learned more things during the year, made some silly and careless mistakes too. Michael Jackson was the greatest loss to the world in year 2009. The earthquakes that happened here and there, the lives that have lost...... Sincerely hope that 2010 will be a year free from the grasp of disasters. May our Mother Earth have mercy on us, the sinners who are killing her slowly.

2010 is going to be another brilliant year. I shall not reveal much on my plans, let the story unfolds itself when the time comes. Wish me luck.

Lastly, call me faker or anything, there is just one thing that I truly wish for, WORLD PEACE. It is ONE thing that our world really needs. Only with peace and peace only, that the mankind from all over the world could work together for a better future. People, don't forget to say a little prayer for a peaceful world. :)

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