Cirque Du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant

Saw the trailer of the movie last month, kept bugging Andrew that I wanted to watch it when it was on the big screen. LOL! I have a thing for vampires, curses and demons (it's purely for entertainment, I'm not practicing any demonic act or research on becoming a vampire :P ). But surprisingly the Twilight series don't seem to make its way to my heart. I did not watch any of the Twilight movies, not even read the books.

This movie caught my eyes because there was this Cirque Du Freak that I have read so often in books and magazines. The bearded lady, wolf-man, Siamese twins, dwarfs, the giant, snake-man...... They're all freakingly freaky. I don't think I have the guts to go see it if the circus was real.

The movie was about Darren Shan, who stole the spider Madam Octa from the vampire Crepsley, and then got himself turned into a vampire just to save his best friend Steve's life. A 200 year-old truce between 2 clans of vampires were broken because of one boy.

John Reilly looks familiar to me, perhaps I've seen him in some movies but I can't recall which ones. He isn't the handsome man type, but he did look good in this vampire character! Middle-aged but charming. The leading actor who played Darren Shan is even more stranger to me. The only person that I could recognise from the movie was Josh Hutcherson, who played Steve. If you've watched Zathura, Bridge to Therabithia and the recent Journey to the Center of the Earth, you could recognise him right away. I just couldn't believe that he has grown so much.

I enjoyed the movie, but I don't think Andrew had a good time. Could see his boring face throughout the movie and his face didn't even twitch while I was laughing so hard. Hahahaha......

It's a funny and interesting movie. Worth to watch.

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