Off To Phuket

Planning a trip is not easy, and what's more, when you're planning for the company trip, all alone.

A year ago, the bosses and management had approved the proposal of a company trip. Preferably local. Early of the year, there were 4 of us planning and brainstorming for it. After some surveys and search, the cost of travelling overseas in a group is about the same as travelling locally. Finally they bought the idea. Phuket, they chose.

Towards middle of the year, I was doing it all by myself. Liaising with the tour agent, discussions with my boss, deciding on the hotel, the air tickets, the dates...... Planning, organising, coordinating, negotiating...... They're no fun and no joke. Made some mistake too. I'm not bragging about I could do so many of them alone. It's just that now I understand how those people do it and I could appreciate more now.

The trip was postponed once, paid some penalty! What the...... Finally the day has come. I feel numb, after all the hard-work and efforts. I don't feel excited, I don't feel the thrill. I couldn't find a concrete reason not to go. So, I've got to tag along. I've never been to Phuket. Wanted to go with Andrew, but that plan has sunk deep onto the ocean floor the moment this trip was confirmed. And now, I am not looking forward to going to Phuket. I just want to get over it and done with, soonest possible!

My luggage is sitting beside my bed now, waiting to travel across the borders and seas with me.

With Andrew's snoring as the background music, I am feeling sleepy now. I have to wake up at 3am on Friday morning. Geez...... I'll be walking like a zombie in Phuket on Friday. HA! That would make great headlines, "Malaysian Zombie Crossed Border, Found Strolling On Phuket Beach"! Hahahahahaha...... LOL!!!

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