
I wonder, if my life is considered boring.

But, what constitute to an exciting and interesting life? Who to tell if someone is having an interesting life?

Guess I think too much. HA!

Anyway, I have my iPhone now, life isn't that boring anymore. Wuahahahaha. Sounds like I'm advertising for iPhone!!!

Feel like going for some shopping spree. It's been quite some time I didn't do some BIG shopping.

Okay, time to work now. Geez... I have piles and piles of documents waiting to be filed, dated back since 2007!!! HELP ME PULEESE!!!

Off topic: Thanks to everyone's prayers. My colleague's boyfriend is better. Doctor said from medical point of view, he is still in a coma, but now he would wake up and move his hands and legs. No major movement though, and he couldn't talk. He is out of the ICU since last Tuesday. Please continue praying that he has a speedy full recovery.

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